April doodle

April 2022 Newsletter

Isn’t it lovely to see spring arrive? Here in the UK, many of us have seen the sun peek out from behind the clouds, golden daffodils trumpeting, blossom decorating the trees and heard birds welcoming the light mornings. In Uganda, we have baby goats and mangos aplenty!

With all these signs of new life, spring is a great time for looking forward and that’s exactly what we’re doing here at S.A.L.V.E. We have lots of new and exciting things on the horizon and we really want you to be part of them.

Dreams for the Future event

We are running our Dreams for the Future online event which will take place in the evening on 12 April 2022 and we really hope you can join us. This engaging, online event is being held on the the International Day for Street Children to share solidarity with street-connected children on this globally recognised day and to celebrate what we as a charity have achieved to date.

We also want to share our vision with you, for a future where there is ‘No Street Called Home‘.

And lastly the winners of our charity raffle will be drawn live at the event so you will be able to find out if you’ve won one of our fantastic prizes!

We really hope that you can join the event and share our dreams with us.

April news round-up

In March we celebrated International Women’s Day 2022. We recognised hard working mothers everywhere but particularly one woman who, thanks to her determination and enrolment in our Business Empowerment programme, now makes 3000% more than she used to.

As part of International Women’s Day we stopped to think of all of the girls in Uganda who can’t access education, often kept home to help with chores or married off for dowry payments. We encouraged you all to help break this cycle and help us get street-connected girls into school.

Check out our blog, written by a 16 year old boy who has been through more hardship by his age than many will experience in a lifetime. 💚 💛

Now the weather is getting better it’s not too late to sign up for the Peak District Challenge. There are 7 different route options: ranging from a 10km loop right up to the ultimate challenge, 100km – so there is a challenge to suit everyone. Join our team to help change children’s lives for the better. 🌞

Have you bought your raffle tickets yet?

You have until 12 April 2022, the International Day for Street Children and date of our Dreams for the Future event, to get your tickets! We have everything from a magnum of wine to a bungee jump to be won, plus a 2 night stay in a luxury cottage in Ripon as one of our top prizes.

Tickets cost just £5 each and you can buy as many tickets as you like, which will of course also give you more chances to win.

Please tell friends and family about it too – it’s all for a great cause after all. Enter our raffle today!

The Lottery for Change winner this month is Amy!

Would you like to be next month’s winner? For just £3 a month you can be in with a chance of winning £100 and provide a street connected child with lunch for a week! Find out more here.

Webale nyo

Thank you for your continued solidarity and support. We are so grateful to be part of such a caring community of people, working together to give opportunities to children living on the streets of Uganda.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We always love to hear from you 🙂

Lots of love and sunshine from,

Nicola and the whole S.A.L.V.E. team

Each month the children in Uganda want to hear from your for our Inequality Debate. This month’s question is about prioritising children living on the streets. Share your views here. The children love hearing thoughts from friends around the globe on their debate question!

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